einweihunsparty (spaet und englisch)
last night we celebrated moving into the hope house. i had it on my heart to celebrate in a slightly abnormal way. we invited people to come at 7 who were interested in praying for the project and blessing it. joining my roommates and i were several from the offenbar, from cafe chance, from the jesus freaks, and from the people i minister to (!).
we all squnched into our prayer chamber (i am very excited that we are able to have a room designated just for God! it used to be a kitchen, then an office, and as soon as i saw it the first time, i thought of daniel and just knew it should be our prayer chamber). first just to give thanks. we prayed a long time just listing the things that have been so special in the last few weeks and months- from finding the house up until the actual day, there was alot to be thankful for!
then we each prayed according to our own preference for style, speed and location throughout the house. i had prepared a short discription of each room/ person and the prayer needs and hung it on the door.. (so for example on the bathroom, there was a mention that our energy and water cost are too high, and in my room i mentioned my back problem and that i am in charge of our guests.. ) we also had prayer sheets for our team and friends group. (i should probly post about those seperately, huh?!) so everyone went at their own speed through the house and prayed. a few people added cool Bible verses or encouragements for us on the sheets.

then, at 9 others were invited to come to join the party and to grill with us in the garden and enjoy the evening. its finally warm here! corken and a friend played some music (they are djs) in the basement, i had on swing, and upstairs we had praise and worship. there was alot to eat and- importantly- no alcohol.
the party wound down around three. and we fell into a blessed sleep.
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