winter training und sonstige update
sorry, bin grad zu faul um dass neu auf deutsch zu schreiben. war ne langer tag..
if you tried to reach me over the past week, you wouldn't of succeeded. i was in the middle of nowhere. no really, there was no internet or telephone... i was at the Winter Training of the Jesus Freaks Saxony Region. the WT is like a mini-discipleship school. there were 5 days of seminars frm topics as diverse as God's heart and exegese, from leadership to church history.
madlen had asked me to come along and cook for the group, and i said yes... even though the timing was really rather bad, what with the move and visa troubles. i want to be a blessing to my new region, to help out where i can. so then she asked if, since i was there anyway, i could translate for Paul Straight, a doctor and freaks mentor from New York.
it was a pretty good time, i was able to participate in the praise and worship/ prayer times, and in the evenings where we just hung out. i saw some old friends, made some new ones, and managed not to give anyone digestive problems (i hope).
now i am back in leipzig, and immediatly thrown back into the chaos. i registered for classes today at the university. most will be block-seminars, meaning they meet on one or two weekends during the semester. another is a course on counseling in jails! i am VERY excited about that, because i see the people generally before and after their stint in the slammer, but have never been able to go IN to do ministry (well, the odd visit, but to specific people, not as an official counsellor). there are limited spots.. i am number 15 on the list.. and i am really hoping that puts me IN the class (they didn't specify how many, but i am told it is usually either 9, 12, or 15...).
leipzig really does seem to be where God has placed me.. things are falling into place well- and people to counsel seem to find ME for a change. (*doorbell* "hi... i need to talk to someone, you do that, right?...")
visa news... no change. but i am looking for a lawyer and may have found a contact to one.
there are a few random things i am in need of right now due to the move, and if anyone feels the desire to sponsor one, i'd be very appreciative. they are not "necessary" items, but things i would like to have: toaster (15e), sandwhich grill (25e), coffee maker (30e), locker (20e), dishwasher (because i have house guests with hep c, and their cups need to be washed at higher temps than i can do by hand). [all prices based on my assumed ability to ebay after watching similar items]
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