mein missionstagebuch



heut morgen gab es eine krachvolle erwecker... gefolgt von eine schreiende katze..

da ich eh schonmal wach gemeowt geworden war, da karina fraidy noch spaet abends rausgelassen hat und sie frueh wieder kamm wollte ich nicht gleich nochmal nach ihr sehen.

als hanna und ich dann ne bissl spaeter die kueche betraten, sah es aus wie kriegszone! der eine ganze regal lag auf dem boden, samt glass splinter und tassen scherben und den restlichen inhalt... anscheinend ist fraidy auf der regal gesprungen. wer also dem naechst bei uns kaffee trinken will bekommt so ne schoene moderne trink behaelter- ohne henkel.


AT: 2 mose + julia

gestern hab ich ne predigt ueber das zweite buch mose gehalten.. es war ein bissl im mit-mach-form und ich denk eigentlich gut gelungen... anderen wuerden sagen sehr lang. aber da keiner eingeschlaffen und aus dem fester gefallen ist, gings wohl. ;-)

danach war die julia aus berlin bei uns zur gast uebernacht


hoffnungshaus sucht

es ist wieder soweit.. dass hoffnungshaus hat wieder eine luecke, der gefuehlt werden muss. wir haben den matze aus unsere mitte verabschiedet und suchen nun jamand(-in) der gern in bremen in einen wg ziehen will, wo es im erste lionie an Gott und unsere vision geht... wir haben schoene gemeinschaft, lachen viel... ausserdem ist das haus (und vor allem dass frei gewordene zimmer) sehr schoen. wenn wir niemand finden, der einziehen will und teil von unser vision der gastfreundschaft und hilfe sein will, muessen wir leider dass vision verabschieden- was sehr schade waere. also... wenn du oder jemand den du kennst vielleicht interesse haette, meldet euch doch einfach.... :-) segen


blick nach vorn...2009

ok.. goal setting for the coming year. i do this as a way to help me stay accountable, and also to let others know what direction i am heading in in ministry and personal life.

~to host on average one guest a month for months spent at the hope house
~to get involved with a missions organization
~to revive the street group Bible study
~to preach on average once a month
~to make a new film for PBS

~to start a masters of theology program through distance learning
~to read through the Bible chronologically
~to find a mentor
~to do more athletics for health (swimming, biking..)
~11:00 23.4.09 ;-)


ok, anothor year has passed.. so get ready for a series of long post dedicated to analyzing it and summing it up. this is primarily for the missions committee, since i know you guys want to know what i do ;-)

in 2008 i set the following goals. the goals will be in italics, and the response underneath:

hope house:

~that we start a regular prayer time as a house
we failed. there were impromptu prayer times between moerssl and i for the house throughout the year, but a collaberation turned out to be rather difficult..

~renovations in the living/dining room (lay a floor mostly) and redo the main kitchen, solve the wet walls and drippy ceilings problem
we succeeded! thanks mostly to my father, who spent his vacation running around the hardware stores of bremen and fixing and building everything on my list and more! the landlord also had the roof redone and a leaky attick window.

~find out about possibility of buying the house
we succeeded.. but despite the offer to buy it, decided against doing so.

~take in at least 4 people for vision purposes, in addition to the other guests.
succeeded and more! We took in 8 guests for vision puposes (10 if you count karo and ben twice since they stayed here two separate times) and 17 people for other reasons (4 of those being my family).

~start the organization
failed.. we didn’t even try. It is too much hassle, everything we found out about it just made it undoable.

~find sponsors specifically for the house
failed.. we found a few prayer supporters, but no one who wants to financially help support the house.


~to make a full length documentary about the szene for festivals
failed.. my old computer just wasn’t up to the editing task, and my old foot wasn’t up to the walking around town part.

~to attain and maintain physical health
50-50… myhealth is doing better but isn’t completely restored.

~to preach more often
did I not say a number? Darn.. hard to tell. I think I did, though, especially the last few months.

~start a theology masters degree
failed.. but I did do the research involved and have some good ideas where to apply.

~avoid burn-out by getting out of town for at least one day a month, and at least one weekend every three, and at least one week every six- NOT related to ministry in any way.
50-50.. I didn’t break it down exactly the way I planed, but I did manage to get out of Bremen more often than in the past and had a visitor to Bremen that was not ministry related enough to meet my quota of days off.

~that the thing spoken over me by the fijian team come to pass. (hey, every year needs one cryptic one, right?)
:-D JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! It did, Easter Sunday.

and of course, not for me, but... that hans will finally manage to get clean.

Nope.. in fact, haven’t seen much of him. He is in a baaad place.


dallas in bilder