mein missionstagebuch


auf die lange strecke

dieses wochenende nahm mir die "lange strecke" mit nach hessen auf dem seelsorge seminar. zugegeben, den theme meint langstrecke schon ein bissl langfristiger noch als den 7 stundiger fahrt oder die drei tage im nirgendwo.. es war auch unsere theme diesmal. wie wir leute auf die lange strecke im seelsorge begleiten koennen und was wir brauchen selber um die lange strecke unsere dienst durchzuhalten.

es war eine gute seminar. vor allem gut fand ich die praxis gruppen diesmal (jasmin ist toll) und der einheit vom nobby samstag. leider kann man nobby nicht in ein paar saetze zusammen fassen..

vom seminar nach hause bin ich in manuel's wohnung gefahren. war ne laaaaaaange fahrt, aber lustig... da kommt wieder das alte convoy gefuehl auf und der sehnsucht nach der strasse. ist schon was anders als fest wohnen. so sehr wie ich bremen mag.... (kruemel versteht mich hier mindestens..) wer also in bremen ist und bock hat kommet vorbei und lernt ein freak kennen. lohnt sich immer.


my treasure, mein schatz

so in real news, the jesus freaks finally got new space to meet in, all our own. we celebrated there this sunday. i have been put in charge of the room-style team, so i am sure i will be getting pictures of them to you once we get into it.

i have spent 4 days of the past week without crutches! in between had to use them again, my foot doesnt take too much strain well.. but it's a start.

and...the really interesting part...andreas was here this weekend. :-)
i surprised him saturday with a pirate picnic.. complete with a map to the hidden treasure and costumes. i wore a summer dress (because he likes them) and even painted my toenails (ohje, what is this guy doing to me??), had a piratey earring and my sword. he got an eye-patch, a stuffed parrot, a patch on his jeans, and his sword. and as real pirates, we needed tatoos. (the kids kind that wash off with soap). while getting dressed, he still didn't know why... but he played along.
we followed the map through town, arousing the curiosity of just about everyone, and occasionally stopped to ask a kid or a motorcycle gang member if they had seen our buried treasure. for this part i recruited the help of karo and ben.. i gave them a 30 minute warning when we left, and they drove the treasure chest (the wooden one my parents got me at the flea market) to the designated spot in the park under a statue of a bear. we snuck up on the bear, and andreas dutifully stepped protectively in front of me and slayed it with his sword...
in the treasure chest i had put three different special cheeses and three special meats, a turkisch hirse salat and fruit salad (i made both), hard rolls, bionade drink, cola, and all the necessary utensils and blankets. we spent all day in the park.. it was great!
friday night we went for mexican, saturday night for italian pizza, and sunday we grilled with ben, karo, and marty... it was a great weekend. today when i took him to the station, i met another junkie lady and have started counselling her.