mein missionstagebuch


tea time

samstag abend war ich zum ersten mal bei einen steiger tee party dabei. es war recht cool.. den innerhof haben sie verwandelt in einer orientalischer tee zelt- stoff hing von die decke und waende, teppiche waren ausgelegt, niedrige tische und kissen zum drauf sitzen. zeitweise spielten ein paar leute live musik im hintergrund. michael stand draussen und lud menschen ein mit riesigen seifen-blasen. dass ganze ging in die nacht hinein..bis etwa 3. es gab mindestens 7 tee sorten zum probieren, alles umsonst. (yogi war aber das beste) kerzen und fakeln gaben es einen romantischen atmosphaere. ich war froh doch gekommen zu sein, trotz schmerzender fuss und kopfweh. vor allem, als ein paar leute mit dem ich beim letzten euro-cafe evangelisation gesprochen hatte ankamen. wieder gab es nette gespraeche. einen echt schoenen und gelungener abend!


lang lebe die koenigen

aparently pirate kidnappings are only a week long.. at least this one was. my pirate returned me to the karlsruhe shores safe and unharmed (naja..ausser mein fuss der richtig derb weh tut und geschwollen ist). this was definatly the BEST birthday present i have ever had.. or heard of anyone else having.
the first two and a half days were spent in oxford, where we saw a lot of sights and then biked over to the josh ritter concert (this was the real reason for the whole trip). the concert was amazing.. he played well over two hours. i had a seat on a sofa for part and then sitting on a little table for the rest. andreas was bored. he claims to like metal.
the rest of the week was spent in london.. where we came no where near to seeing everything. but we did go to the glorious undead church to meet up with some friends of mine.. kameal and his wife (and surprisingly tina, who i didn't realize lives there). the GU is similar to the jesus freaks, and i knew some of them from freakstocks past. we of course followed church with a visit to brick lane for indian food.
we were also able to attend st paul's cathedral for evensong. but the real highlight in london (for me) was that we were able to (after standing in a line for over an hour) get tickets (for the very best seats in the house) for "as you like it" (the one with my favorite monolgue) at shakespeare's GLOBE!!! (ok, the 1997 rebuild of it)
and.. as if this wsn't enough.. we saw 2 space invaders and 1 banksy!! thats it really for street art.. but we went to a few museums, since they are all free! we saw the tate modern and the national gallery.


von ein pirat entfuehrt

der grosser, dunkler und hubscher pirat hebt mich wieder in sein (luft-)schiff auf und segelt mit mir nach england..
also falls ihr mich dort ned trifft, hoert ihr erstmal ne woche nichts!