mein missionstagebuch



hallo liebe leser..

ich brauche ein bissl hilfe beim umzug. gibt es jemand, der bereit waere meinen umzugswagen zu fahren?
es muesste am montag abend 31.1 abgeholt werden in karlsruhe und dann am 1.2 nach leipzig gefahren werden..

alle kosten (inklusive heimfahrt der fahrer) uebernehme ich. und als dankeschoen bekommt der fahrer einen adac mitgliedschaft, falls er/sie noch keins hat.


looking ahead.. 2011

This year saw a lot of unexciting things happen. I learned to sew. I started back to school on my MTh. I had massive troubles with my residence permit. I continued to have them. I finally established my financial support (thanks to all of you!!). I had some health issues redefine annoying. I got better medical insurance. I did as much as i could in Karlsruhe. And now, i am glad to be moving forward... I think 2011 will be quite different.... quite different indeed.

so, without further ado..

Goals for 2011


~move to Leipzig. Some of you might have heard whispers of this.. now i am making it official. Next week i will be going to Leipzig to look for an apartment. It is the culmination of several reasons, and i will post about the decision in more detail later on.

~make contact in the city with churches and organizations that are relevant for my type of ministry, establish what is already in place and what needs are still there.

~if it fits, (and i kinda think it will) establish the Open Living Room. If not, seek God for His new plan in the city.

~preach again!

~start Theater projects. If the camera is replaced, start film projects.

~Convoy 2011 (yeah! we are finally planning another convoy!!)

~maintain the financial support group.


~go to lots of Doctors and get all of my stuff checked and fixed and in good shape.

~live alone, Communal living is great, and i though i would always want it.. but i am tired, and just need my own 4 walls to come home to. This might pass, but for now, i just want some space where there aren't random people at all hours making noise and messes. Moving to Leipzig means i can find an apartment for the price i pay here for a single room in a shared flat.

~Studies... finish my NT courses and learn Hebrew. Be at least half finished with masters by end of 2011.

~visit Dallas.. it's been 2 years already.

~learn another big chunk of Bible verses.

2010 review..

ok, so at the turn of the year i shared some goals for my ministry life and personal life.. lets see how i did...

~to do street work 2 times a week

yes... spending time on Werder Platz and other city locations was a stable part of my ministry this past year.

~to get more involved with gospel tribe
yes... i took charge of the Werder Platz team while they were out of the country, had good meetings with the leadership, led a Christmas outreach with them, and helped in the planning of Laden 33.

~to find ways of working with the salvation army, if possible
yes... i continued volunteering Thursdays at the cafe, took over the Bible Studies when the leaders were unable to attend, and took part in events for the youth.

~to find a church where i can begin preaching
no... well, in theory yes, but i haven't held my first sermon yet.

~to make a new film for a festival that carries a subtle christian message
no... turns out my camera broke, and i was unable to begin shooting (too bad, had a great idea lined up). the expense of repairing the camera is more than i could afford at this time.

~to further develope the "offene wohnzimmer" ministry concept that i have been working on in 2009 and take steps to start making it a real ministry, not just a concept in development.
yes.. in a way.. i developed the idea and even saw a very close model of what i had worked on come into existence in the area i was targeting.. unfortunately, i am not part of the team carrying the project.

~to start a masters of theology program through distance learning (barring finances: to continue to take the online classes and complete at least 6)

yes! i was admitted to Martin Bucer Seminar and began studies in September. The school has awarded me a Scholarship. I attend class one saturday a month, the rest is done through distance learning. I took my first exam in December and recieved the mark "2" in words "good".

~to memorize large passages from the Bble
yes... the MTh helped with this.. i committed 150 Bible passages (ie most more than 1 verse) to memory... in German.

~to find a new mentor
yes.... a couple from Vienna, who have been my model for 5 years already on the "types of people i need as a mentor"... i finally just asked them instead of looking for people like them. they said Yes! and have been my new mentors since the summer.

~to do more athletics for health (swimming, biking..)
erm.. no.. not really.. i do bike everywhere, but i wouldn't classify that as enough to be healthy. and i didn't swim even once.. but to take charge of my health i was able to change my Health Insurance, so that i can now actually go to a Dr when there's a need (ie no deductible).