mein missionstagebuch


looking ahead.. 2010

ok.. goal setting for the coming year. i do this as a way to help me stay accountable, and also to let others know what direction i am heading in in ministry and personal life.

~to do street work 2 times a week
~to get more involved with gospel tribe
~to find ways of working with the salvation army, if possible
~to find a church where i can begin preaching
~to make a new film for a festival that carries a subtle christian message
~to further develope the "offene wohnzimmer" ministry concept that i have been working on in 2009 and take steps to start making it a real ministry, not just a concept in development.

~to start a masters of theology program through distance learning (barring finances: to continue to take the online classes and complete at least 6)
~to memorize large passages from the Bble
~to find a new mentor
~to do more athletics for health (swimming, biking..)
~to get married! (is that a goal?)

2 kommentare:

Blogger die Vorgärtnerin said...

~to get married! (is that a goal?)

yes, it is.
Hauptsache, it makes you happy.


Blogger die Vorgärtnerin said...

hast du bald genug ahead gelookt?

und warum seh ich gar keine spuren deines schaffens mehr in meinem beet?
da ist auch deine kreativität gefragt!!




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