mein missionstagebuch


bye-bye blog

da ich jetzt fuer laengere zeitraum unterwegs sein werde, ist dass hier bis irgendwann im september mein letzter post. ich bin zuerst als mitarbeiter auf dem freakstock (schau mal im careport vorbei und sag hallo!) danach auf convoy.... also, adieu mein lieber blog leser..

2 kommentare:

Anonymous Anonym said...

hi! cate undercover:
i am on convoy and have a lot of amazing stories and pictures to share with yall when i get back. too bad i cant do it now. we started in plauen and are now in hof, just to give an idea of where we are.. we have so far held some concerts, done some street theater, squated some houses, and had a great time.. met with everyone from hippies to satanists and are seeing God work.. well, thats just to get yall curious. i will tell more when i get a chance to sit at my own computer and sort my thozughts better. other than that, today is my birthday... i turned 27. its being celebratesd with a concert in a few minutes.. and my closest friend on the convoy left today, so i am sad. love to hear from people!!!


Blogger cee said...

hey... klingt super! bin gespannt auf deinen "richtigen" blog-eintrag!
Hey und congratulations zu deinem Geburtstag!!




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