mein missionstagebuch


san sebastian and plans

the smallisch city turned out to be really cool, very pretty and interesting. there were some waves, but we left off surfing this time. we stayed at ira's pension, not to e confused wit the ira who wa our roommate in madrid. she was like a family friend or grandmother, and spoke french to kate and spanish to me. when we said goodbye, she clasped our hands and ket telling us our sweet and great we are, with big hearts, hugging us and all. she was adorable.
this morning we left after a short night at 6:20 for paris, where we are now. i found a hotel last night after searching the net for an hour, right by sacre coeur. its got its own unique atmoshere..
from here we plan to go to brussels and then amsterdam, so any tips are very welcome! hopefully i will see a few friends along the way.

4 kommentare:

Blogger Miri said...

Na, das hoffe ich doch auch!


Blogger xate said...

hi miri!
ich erreiche dich irgendwie nicht direct, also ueber'm blog... wir sind morgan da und ich poste sobald ich weiss wo.. hier ist nochmals unser handy
+49-176-68267380 (name dabei nicht vergessen, wir haben keine nummern eingespeichert!).
waere schoen, was mit dir zu machen!


Blogger Miri said...

Hi Cate! Hast meine SMS bekommen? Hier nochmal die Nummer: +31-6-45009923


Blogger xate said...

hey miri, ja haben es bekommen, danke.
wir werden im marnix hotel sein, marnixstraat 382.
wir kommen gegen 17uhr an, hoffen wir, aber senden dir einen sms wenn wir ankommen.
wann haettest du seit fuer uns?
wir freuen uns schon




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